People will give the most random and piercing opinion about your life and won’t even remember it the next day. They’ll drop some raging comment about how your next presumed line of action will definitely be the demise of you and your ‘bright’ future, and then proceed to down their 4th glass of whisky on a bright summer day, all in the same breath.
But here you are. 3 years have gone by and you still remember.
The ambiance, the color you wore that day, and even the slight stain on this person’s shirt as they sat across the table. Every time you contemplate what to have for lunch, you can hear the echo of a harsh and misguided ‘truth’ about who you are supposed to be, what you’re allowed to become, and how you get to live your life. Hurt and distressed, you hold on to these nonsense facts and shield yourself with mediocrity and Nothingness.
I can’t stress this enough even for myself- If some ‘nice’ person’s comment on your life and how you do things doesn’t align with the truth of God’s word for your life, then you need to say thank you and move about your business.
While it’s still pretty early in the year, these are some simple things i’m coming to terms with and maybe you should too:
- Even the best people in your life can give you poor advice. I need to keep some and lose some.
- You won’t always know what’s to come and that is Okay. This year is for us to fail at some things and trust that God will carry us regardless.
- I don’t know about you, but I can’t watch Cringey things. I just can’t. The hair on my body starts to move strangely and I just want to explode into another dimension. But regardless, it’s time to embrace the cringe. It’s time to do some things that make you shut your eyes with intensity and squirm. We’re doing this to get better at the cringe and also to create some laughable moments along the way.
- Just do it. This one is up for debate since every ‘doing’ comes with a cost. You need to measure if the joy and accomplishment you’ll get from taking action outweigh the regret of doing nothing.
- Pray. Lately, Praying looks like me walking on a busy street while talking to myself, or a one-woman show where I dramatically throw my hands in the air every 10 seconds. While it might look odd in some scenarios, I’m leaning to constantly remind myself that God is in on this plan and expects updates frequently. It’s also like a free therapy session so… Why not.
This last one is a personal prompt- write everything down. I think I’m abusing this one just a little bit seeing that I currently have 4 journals for different aspects of my life. In whatever ways you can, I believe that writing and journaling can help with calming the chaos of all the info coming your way daily. Journaling has brought me so much clarity and helps keep my headspace in order, so this one is a Me to You recommendation.